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The Septembers of Shiraz
Novelist Daliah Sofer's Septembers of Shiraz takes readers into the world of a well to do Iranian family during the rise of the Islamic Republic. Life is seen through the eyes of a little girl, a father who is put in prison by the Revolutionary Guard, a son who is overseas adjusting to an unfamiliar world, and a wife/mother who must cope with a husband who has disappeared and a world that has changed overnight.

Sofer does an excellent job of showing the world through these very different characters.

And she presents the terror when a relatively free world is transformed into a repressive regime.

History has several examples of works of fiction which brilliantly capture important historical events: Novels such as Uncle Tom's Cabin and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The Septembers of Shiraz is welcome to this elite group.

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